You’ve probably heard about PFLAG‘s “Stay Close” campaign, with various ads featuring celebrities and their gay relatives. In print I’d only seen them in the Blade (or was it Metro Weekly?), but until today I hadn’t seen them in any “mainstream” publications. The ad featuring Ben Affleck and his cousin Jason (pictured here) ran in today’s Express. I was glad to see PFLAG getting their message out there.
From their website:
Relationships are precious. PFLAG encourages families and friends to stay close to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people in their lives.
The purpose of the Stay Close Campaign is to remind you that a GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered) loved one is the same person that you knew before they disclosed their sexual orientation–the same person that you loved unconditionally.
If someone in your life is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, it’s important to stay close to them: listen, keep talking, and ultimately–find the way to understanding.
Staying close means staying involved in the lives of GLBT friends and family.
And speaking of family, today Thom and I each received a nice postcard from my mom. (She likes using postcards to write short letters, even when she’s not on vacation. The ones we got today have photos of San Francisco, which is near where my parents live.) It always feels good, getting a handwritten note in the mail, and I thought it was a nice gesture, her writing to Thom specially. Ah, and I’m reminded that Thom’s mom sent me a really lovely note earlier this year. Gosh, we have sweet moms.
One reply on “We are family”
So…wait. Who’s the straight one in that ad? Jason?