
Hair and makeup

It’s almost spring, so along with other semiannual tasks like switching clocks to or from daylight saving time (Apr. 3), or getting my teeth cleaned (Apr. 14, like you really need to know), it is time to get my hair cut. I didn’t really plan it like this, but for the past few years, I’ve […]

It’s almost spring, so along with other semiannual tasks like switching clocks to or from daylight saving time (Apr. 3), or getting my teeth cleaned (Apr. 14, like you really need to know), it is time to get my hair cut. I didn’t really plan it like this, but for the past few years, I’ve gotten my hair cut only twice per year, as you can probably tell. Call it style, or call it laziness.

Tonight Thom and I are going to Studio 2000, his regular salon at Dupont Circle. I probably won’t have any photos of the new ’do until this weekend, when we’ll be at Sheldon and Gretchyn’s wedding, which is the main impetus for this haircut.

Speaking of beauty and whatnot, I should give a shout out to Sephora, specifically their customer-service people. Last month I bought a gift certificate for Susan‘s birthday, but only yesterday did I realize that the e-mail address I had for her was no longer valid. So I contacted Sephora and gave them the new e-mail address, and they resolved the matter quickly, closing out the old order and crediting it toward a new one. I tell you, I think my expectations for customer service in general are so low that when things do go right, it’s practically a joy. I may even write to the company and commend the specific people who helped me, which is something I never usually take the time to do.

4 replies on “Hair and makeup”

I agree, you looked really good in longer hair but I’m sure your new style/cut will look great on ya too.

Oh! I went through the photos you guys have, really cool! I liked the series with you planting a little tree/plant on your porch of your house lol. awww 🙂

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