

All evening I’ve been trying to get to Flickr, but the site is recovering from a power failure, or rather, it’s “having a massage,” according to its standard downtime message. Well, it’s been down for so long, at this rate it better be getting a happy ending. [Update (00:23): It’s back up and running. Oh, […]

All evening I’ve been trying to get to Flickr, but the site is recovering from a power failure, or rather, it’s “having a massage,” according to its standard downtime message.

Well, it’s been down for so long, at this rate it better be getting a happy ending.

[Update (00:23): It’s back up and running. Oh, Flickr, never leave me again.]

2 replies on “Downtime”

Flickr Addicts

This is the longest Flickr has been down since I started using it last July, and it really reminds me of what a hopeless addict I am. It hurts to be without my usual photo-sharing, social-networking, group-forming powerhouse, even for…

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