Last week was a bit of a slog, which is why I haven’t written at all. I hadn’t been getting much sleep; late yesterday afternoon I was feeling sort of light-headed, and I think my body had had enough and decided to shut down for a while. I lay down for a nap, and woke up about five hours later. My sleep cycles are all out of whack, but hopefully if I get to bed at a decent time tonight (i.e., not 4:30 a.m. like last night), then I can get my groove back. Zzz. I am, like Alex, lazy:
In more interesting news, some upcoming events:
- Mar. 10: Dining Out for Life, in which participating restaurants donate a percentage of their sales to Food & Friends.
- Mar. 19-20: Thom and I will be out of town for the wedding of our friends Sheldon and Gretchyn.
- Apr. 6: David Sedaris at Lisner Auditorium.
- Apr. 8: Tori Amos at Warner Theatre. (We got tickets yesterday.)
- Apr. 16-18: Thom’s mom is coming up to visit us, and then the three of us will spend a long weekend in New York.
2 replies on “Sleep and other things to look forward to”
I mentioned on Tom’s blog as well that Kat and I are also going to see Tori. We have the WORST tickets possible. But heck, at least we got tickets!
Insomnia is part of us, somehow we always keep on complaining and wanting to change that…don’t worry about it dear– thanks for leaving a comment on my blog…well wishing from baltimore…and the interloper here