

Recently while browsing the newly listed blogs on QueerFilter, I came across one called Rebel Prince, like mine, so I had to check it out. It’s written by Eric, a gay teenager (and fellow Rufus Wainwright fan) who’s in the process of coming out. Yesterday he came out to his parents, and I’m really happy […]

Recently while browsing the newly listed blogs on QueerFilter, I came across one called Rebel Prince, like mine, so I had to check it out. It’s written by Eric, a gay teenager (and fellow Rufus Wainwright fan) who’s in the process of coming out. Yesterday he came out to his parents, and I’m really happy for him. They’re taking it pretty well. I know for many of us, coming out was much different. The first person I came out to was my best friend, when I was a junior in high school, and I didn’t come out to my parents and other friends until I was a sophomore in college. Even now, as my parents and I have settled into something approximating an understanding about it, it’s still mostly unspoken. Stories like Eric’s remind me how the climate has changed in some ways and keep me hopeful and encouraged about gay youth and acceptance.

4 replies on “Out”

I hope this comes out right. It’s a sad commentary on the state of humanity that “coming out” is still such an event. Because “coming out” ought to be akin to “I have an outtie, what’s your bellybutton like?” Or to saying, “I have black hair.”

The statement, “I’m gay,” ought to be along these same lines. So that saying, “I’m a size 12 …,” directly followed by “and I’m gay,” doesn’t draw cries of “NON SEQUITUR!! NON SEQUITUR!!!” from the Peanut Gallery and their minions. Right?

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