Last night I dreamed I went to Hawaii… in a subway car that flew. And it was a rather nice subway car; as we were about to land, my mother was still in the lavatory, and I had to tell her that she needed to get back to her seat and fasten her seat belt. A further neat thing is that the train landed on rails. I was rather impressed.
This reminds me of a print I once saw of a flying train, but for the life of me, I can neither remember the name or artist nor find it online. And no, it’s not The Polar Express.
3 replies on “Flying train”
Apparently, dreams about trains refer to “something in your life that is helping you move along on your path – but that is something powerful that you are completely helpless to steer. It should go on the right path, and go forward smoothly, but you cannot in any way change what it is doing. Trains are also used as sexual references in movies and literature. The image of a ‘train going into a tunnel’ is often used as a symbol for sexual intercourse.”
Or it could just be a train.
Have you ever ridden the subways in New York City at holiday time? I think you may be referring to a series of holiday-themed MTA ads that run each year. One of them does feature a subway car flying off the tracks.
Kupaianaha! Dreaming about Hawaii AND about being a flight attendant (literally, anyway)! Nice.
Nifty Hawaiian phrasebook linked below, in case you dream up any locals next time…