So it turns out that my Deutsche Welle darling (now on BBC America these days), Alistair Appleton, has had a blog (entitled Do Buddhists Watch Telly?) since 2003, and I didn’t know! He also has some photo albums up on his .Mac site. Many thanks go out to Cat, who found my site while doing a web search and e-mailed me about the blog, pointing out an entry in which Alistair reveals himself to be a big Rufus fan. He writes,
But what really charmed me was his self assured personality. He’s so gloriously camp at a time when gay culture is atrophying into a dull and brainless Abercrombie & Fitchitated lump. I felt so proud to be a gay man listening to our Rufus up there. Brains and beauty. And when he introduced the song “Gay Messiah” with a pessimistic note of warning about the next 4 years in America, I suddenly realized how right he was to speak out. Like Pastor Niemoller cautioned, if you don’t make your voice heard, soon enough it’ll be too late.
Screw the “Moral” Majority, I want to be his husband and that’s that!
PS: It’s been pointed me out to me in response to this blog that Rufus is Canadian and that, therefore, in certain provinces North of the border, we could get married. Hurra!
Yeah, baby!
Previously: “Crushing all over again” (Nov. 20, 2003).
[Update (Aug. 16): Alastair’s blog has been re-designed and moved to his main website. Thank goodness. His old blog was a little clunky.]
2 replies on “Do Buddhists watch telly?”
No way can he be Rufus’ husband. I’m gonna be Rufus’ husband. Oh, wait. I already have a husband. 😉
ohmygodohmygodohmyGOD… Alistair is gay? How cool — all these guys I have the hots for these days turn out to be gay! I think that my gaydar has finally begun to work!
I am about to start dancing around like Homer Simpson in a Krispy Kreme…