Goodness, before the holidays I had considered but deferred the idea of going on some kind of blog hiatus, but it seems to be taking place de facto. I guess I’ve just been busy at work and tired when I get home, which isn’t a state conducive to writing.
I did want to mention some administrative tidbits, though. A while back I replaced my RSS feed with a new feed from FeedBurner; recently I deleted the old one and set up a redirect so you longtime subscribers aren’t in the lurch. As you probably already know, I’ve enhanced it by splicing in my recent Flickr photos, and I just started a account to handle links, which are also included in the feed. (On my home page the links are displayed via RSS Digest in the sidebar under “quick links”; a subset links to movies and books I’ve recently consumed, listed further down the sidebar.)
This is a work in progress, of course, so as I fiddle and fumble with the feed, I offer apologies if various items show up repeatedly as updated in your reader. And if you haven’t gotten on the RSS bandwagon, try it. You’ll like it. I use Bloglines to read several blogs and news sources, and it’s an easy way to centralize your web reading. (A little too easy, I sometimes think; adding subscriptions to any aggregator is so simple that actually getting around to viewing them all can be overwhelming. Much like TiVo.)
One reply on “Feeding time, continued”
Thanks for the link to Bloglines. I’m going to try it out. I’ve been using NetNewsWireLite, but have some issues with it.