
Here comes the rain again

DALY CITY, CALIF.–More of a holiday recap is forthcoming, but for now, this tidbit: I just checked the local forecast to see if the current rainy weather is going to ease up at all, and well, I’ll let this speak for itself: Okay, Mr., I get the picture!

DALY CITY, CALIF.–More of a holiday recap is forthcoming, but for now, this tidbit: I just checked the local forecast to see if the current rainy weather is going to ease up at all, and well, I’ll let this speak for itself:

10-day forecast for Daly City: showers, rain

Okay, Mr., I get the picture!

3 replies on “Here comes the rain again”

Nice blog. Thanks for the link to David Sedaris, by the way. Very funny stuff.

And now I’m missing San Francisco, even in the rain. That’s so cliche, isn’t it? I wish I were ironically cool enough to miss Modesto or Needles.

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