Yes, faithful readers, I’m still here. As I’ve mentioned recently, things have been busy at work, what with the move to the new office building. Add to that the way my new workstation is set up: the computer monitor is in plain view of anyone who comes to see me (I should get a small mirror to track snoopers behind me), so obviously I’m cutting down on the blog writing and reading at work, which I suppose in the end is a positive development.
Aside: tomorrow morning from 5-9:30 a.m. all rides on the Metro system (rail and bus) are free, courtesy of online bank ING Direct. There are orange ING banners and stickers throughout the Metro stations (photo by vanderwal via flickr). The free ride is cool, but the advertising is a bit much.
Assorted highlights from the past week: we watched Connie and Carla on DVD (a lot of fun), had dinner at Aladdin’s Eatery in Shirlington (yum!), and went to see The Highest Yellow at Signature Theatre (just okay, despite an infusion of Broadway talent: Marc Kudisch, Jason Danieley, Judy Kuhn, et al.).
What else? Did we all catch The Amazing Race last night? Oh, man. And we’d thought Jonathan couldn’t get any worse. Silly us.
Brr! It’s cold! Stay warm, kids.
3 replies on “Still here”
Man, you aren’t kidding about Jonathan.
I tell ya what, if he had shoved me like he shoved Victoria, I would have hauled off and kicked him in the gonads so hard, it would have permanently paralyzed him.
Then again, I also certainly wouldn’t have been screaming and crying as if someone were murdering my first born child in front of my very eyes like Victoria was just because I was carrying TWO backpacks…
Computer Mirror from
1. Jonathan disgusts me.
2. I know that I’ve been reading too many books from my southern mother’s list because I assumed “The Highest Yellow” was about light-skinned African Americans.