Last night Thom and I had a hearty dinner at Siné, an Irish pub at Pentagon Row, and afterwards went shopping at DSW. Thom is the shoe addict of our household; I love shoes too, but my collection is rather small and basic by comparison. He wandered over to the clearance section, and true to form, spotted a nice pair of Steve Madden sneakers. They were closer to my size, though, so I tried them on, and at the clearance price of around $24, I knew I had to get them. My first pair of Steve Maddens! Take a look.
Later today I’m flying out to California to visit my family for Thanksgiving. I took today off from work, and it’s nice to have all this time to leisurely pack my bags. Wish me luck tonight, though. After my holiday debacle of 2002 (in which an airport delay made me miss my connecting flight and left me stranded in Newark, N.J., the night before Thanksgiving), I should know better than to try and connect to the last flight of the day on one of the busiest travel days of the year, which is what I’m doing tonight, through Cleveland… whose forecast calls for a chance of thunderstorms. Great. Oh, well. It’ll all work out.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving, everyone, and here’s a little something I’m dusting off from last year’s New Yorker: “Thanksgiving Rules Revised.” Quite handy.
7 replies on “Happy Thanksgiving”
I love DSW
I may be the shoe queen, but shall we chat about jackets, dear? And I do have a pact with myself that I buy no new shoes without getting rid of an old pair on a one-for-one basis.
You should have avoided all those storms in the midwest and just come home with me. On the other hand, my mom reports that it’s raining hard there, my sister hit a deer yesterday and that she’s read that the deer population is very large this year along the route I have to take to get down there. That definitely settles it that I’ll wait until tomorrow morning to head down, rather than going this evening during the wet, dark, invisibly-deer-laden night.
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope it’s debacle-free!
It occurs to me that I haven’t talked to you (or I guess anyone from the Rufus-lovin’ community) in a long time, so I thought I’d stop by and say Hi 🙂
YAY for new shoes! I’m glad someone is buying some. I haven’t bought a new pair in quite some time. *sighs*
Hope your journey went smoothly and that you had a great Thanksgiving. Love the New Yorker “rules”!
I must quarrel with some of those rules:
2. It is never too early to start drinking.
3. Any reason to turn down a Kansas Riesling will do.
13. The hostess may do any damn thing she pleases.