Partly because I don’t want my bleak entries on Kerry’s concession and the Metro crash to sit at the top of the homepage for too long, I’ll cheer myself up by posting one of my favorite photos from Thom’s and my trip to the Bay Area a couple of weeks ago. Here he is at Stanford, which we visited for my college reunion.
I know, I haven’t gotten around to writing a trip report yet. Thom has done an awesome job recapping days one and two, so maybe it’s up to me to write up the rest?
3 replies on “My man on campus”
That is a terrific photo. A heavenly smile deserves the halo effect. 🙂
Stanford has such a beautiful campus. I try to visit anytime I’m in the Bay Area. You know of course that we call Stanford “The University of Michigan of the West.” But then we UM people are a bit egotistical. 😉
Heh. Yes, St. Thomas Aqueenas. And as you may know, Thom and I do have a friendly college rivalry.