I was going to write that I didn’t expect any further election announcements soon, at least not in the next several hours, but just now I checked the news again, and there are reports that Kerry will concede. Shit. And I’m probably just as angry about all the state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. Ugh.
The bottom line is you and I keep going the best we know how. I know that sounds folksy and trite, but short of leaving–I don’t know about moving to Canada, but moving back to California at least, which has been part of my life plan all along, is looking more and more tempting–what else can we do but persevere?
6 replies on “Kerry concedes”
My nightmare vision of Chief Justice Scalia seems to be one step closer to fruition…
True. If we all leave, then aren’t we giving in and not taking a stand for what we believe in? I also joke about moving to British Columbia (love it up there!); but in all seriousness, I love Portland too much to leave.
Yes, the anti-gay marriage thing made me wince. Same as in the whole of Aust. Re. moving to California — what’s it like in D.C. for GLBT people? Is it totally under the conservative federal regime, or is there some autonomy for the locals?
I come from BC (legal marriage) and now live in France (civil unions). The same sex marriage numbers shocked and surprised me — on the whole, I’ve always considered Americans to be sufficiently progressive.
I’m naive and disheartened. What am I supposed to say to my American friends?
Scalia’s too old for Chief. Unfortunately, that means we’ll get someone younger and even more reactionary.
DC is fairly good for GLBT people, except that the percentage of Tina queens is waaay too high. This administration, like pretty much all others, mostly ignores us, since we have (a) no money (b) no real vote and (c) they’re not planning on being here any more/longer than necessary.
well, then, what about new zealand?
Two days later, I’m angry and sickened, still, and no more optimistic about the catastropically negative effect this presidency will have on our country and the world for generations to come, but I’m no longer so functionally depressed. While Jeff…