It has come to my attention that my URL appears in the liner notes of The Beautiful South‘s new CD. Indeed they have a cover of Rufus Wainwright’s “Rebel Prince,” but how and why my site was included is puzzling. Jamie, who commented on it today, helpfully e-mailed me a photo of the relevant pages from the booklet, and one page includes just two lines:
Whoa. Perhaps whoever wrote the booklet thought this was an official or fan site? While this site and its name were inspired by Rufus, I am not him, and this is not his blog. I’m just saying.
Believe me, I don’t mind publicity per se, but unfortunately, Beautiful South fans who come here looking for insight on “Rebel Prince” or Rufus are going to be disappointed when they instead find the everyday goings-on of some regular guy.
3 replies on “The Beautiful South”
“regular guy”?
Emphatically not.
Look at this as a boon!
I don’t know how many people listen to, much less visit the web site, of the Beautiful South no more —
At any rate, take it as sign to keep up your highly regarded and excellent blogging. If visitors are searching for Rufus and find the “real” Rebel Prince, well, that’s cool.
I found you also looking for something about Rufus…
But it was a nice surprise to find your blog.
See you.