
Back east

I’m back! We arrived in town last night. I had planned to write and post some blog entries during our trip, but internet access at my parents’ house was slow and intermittent and only came up to full speed on the day of our return. Anyway, there are stories to tell and photos to share, […]

Heading homeI’m back! We arrived in town last night. I had planned to write and post some blog entries during our trip, but internet access at my parents’ house was slow and intermittent and only came up to full speed on the day of our return. Anyway, there are stories to tell and photos to share, but as usual, sleep is taking over. I don’t even think it’s jetlag, really. Just the usual sleep debt. I’ll write a full trip report soon. For now, here’s a photo from yesterday of me and Thom, awaiting takeoff in San Francisco.

[Correction (26 Oct.): I had previously identified this photo as our connecting flight in Dallas, but Thom pointed out that in fact it’s of our initial return flight from San Francisco. It was the only segment of our trip on a wide-body jet, a 767. I love flying those big birds.]

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