
The votes of wrath

I found the following ad in today’s edition of Express (PDF, p. 25), the free version of the Post: So he’s basically saying, vote for him to avoid God’s wrath. Hm, for one thing, same-sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts (and some foreign countries, but he might not know that, since his foreign policy views […]

I found the following ad in today’s edition of Express (PDF, p. 25), the free version of the Post:


So he’s basically saying, vote for him to avoid God’s wrath. Hm, for one thing, same-sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts (and some foreign countries, but he might not know that, since his foreign policy views seem to wish that other pesky countries would just disappear)… where are the “fire bombs”? Is this guy for real? I guess he is. Crazy.

3 replies on “The votes of wrath”

Jeffrey, diggedy dogg:

I cannot help but agree with whole-heartedness. You have expoundabed an indoubitablyism!!!

However, I must add that I think it is, like, SOOO outrageous of Sen. Kerry to bring up the sexuality (“preference”) of the VP’s daughter. Is this a mud-sling contest, or just a bitch-ass shoot’em-up? I’m, like, very insulted by the Second Daughter’s behavior and, like, it affects me in my home and stuff? It really disturbates my, like, qualitay of life.

The Vizzle Bizzle has spoken!!

On the plus side: unlike the usual total freak jobs who have bizarre things to say, his ad isn’t crammed with biblical passages and weird symbols, nor is it packed densely with words.
Elegant typography. He must have actually hired a real designer.
That designer was probably gay.

I agree, but think that this guy should be running a better national campaign. Because them ‘murcans in certain swing states might decide that he’s even crazier than dubya and vote for him instead. And balance out (or, even better, surpass) the Nader Problem.

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