I hadn’t really gotten around to regularly reading Zach Braff’s blog (he of Scrubs, Garden State, The Broken Hearts Club, et al.); however, Susan recently linked to a post in which Zach mentions her girl, Fiona Apple, and which I rather enjoyed for this passage (I’m quoting verbatim, though it contains a couple of errors that are testing all of my self-restraint not to correct or at least throw in a [sic] or two):
Onto more important things: I really enjoy washing my car in those “pull your car into the stall and rent our water, hose, brush and vacuum” places. I don’t know why, but there’s something very cathartic about it. If you’ve never tried it, give it a try. I recommend going alone, cause if you go with someone else, you’re gonna be all in your head if it’s someone from the opposite sex about whether or not you should go for the “slow-motion chewing gum commercial moment” and spray them with the hose. So go with someone of the same sex. Unless your gay, then you’re stuck with the hose problem again. (no pun intended) Hmmm. Fuck it, just go alone. Why do you always have to do things with other people; being alone is refreshing. Washing your own car allows you to quiet your mind for 10 minutes (or more if you have enough quarters).
So true.
2 replies on “At the car wash”
Oh my God, Zach WAS in Broken Hearts Club, I’d totally forgotten about that…
Woot! Gotta shout out!