
The vision thing

Thom had the day off today, whereas I had to go to work. Grr. In other non-exciting news, we both went to Hour Eyes at the mall this evening to get our eyes checked and buy new glasses. Let me say that this is not the place to go for thoughtful customer service. (I know, […]

Thom had the day off today, whereas I had to go to work. Grr. In other non-exciting news, we both went to Hour Eyes at the mall this evening to get our eyes checked and buy new glasses. Let me say that this is not the place to go for thoughtful customer service. (I know, what did we expect?) We ended up spending at least a couple of hours there, waiting for this and that, and what help we did get was minimal. Anyway. I ended up ordering a pair of chunky, geekier-than-thou Gucci frames. I currently have thin wire frames, so these plastic ones will be a nice alternative. I hope. (That’s the thing about buying eyeglasses: it’s difficult to tell how they’re going to look on you.) And thank goodness for insurance. I paid less than half the retail price, which is, granted, still a lot. Oh well, as the L’Oréal girls say, I’m worth it.

The pupil-dilating eyedrops that the optometrist administered are just now wearing off. I can actually focus and see normally again.

Tomorrow: I go to the dentist. It’s just a nonstop joyride over here.

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