So I took this wholly unscientific (as most of them are) quiz that’s been making the blog rounds. Some of the results are accurate and others not, but for the record, I am so not a sex bomb. (With 6/10 for some of the dimensions, I’m perhaps just teetering on the cusp of bomb-ness.) But seriously I’m wincing right now at how many times the word “sex” appears:
eXpressive: 6/10
Practical: 4/10
PhYsical: 6/10
Giver: 6/10You are a XSYG–Expressive Sentimental Physical Giver. This makes you a Sex Bomb.
You are sexy sex sex sex! The sexness! You are the sexiest, hottest and most charismatic of all types. You are a captivating speaker and a great dinner date–relaxed, self-effacing, charming and generous. Your type probably has origins in something sad–trying to keep the peace in a tough family situation, or an early heartbreak–and you’ll probably want to address and resolve that at some point, but in your relationships that heartache is pure gold!
You lie effortlessly–not necessarily a bad thing. You can have problems with fidelity. You need frequent praise and validation, and in seeking it you can make decisions that aren’t consistent with your general good judgment. In other words, don’t cheat on your significant other just because someone is paying attention to you.
You strongly dislike conflict, and will avoid it. Like an XPYG, you give so much of yourself to your partner that you feel dismissed and unappreciated if you don’t get the same in return. But you internalize your feelings more and have a hard time getting over them. You don’t want to cheat–you just keep finding yourself in vulnerable situations. But you’ll stay with your partner in the long run from guilt and a desire to please.
Your sex life will always be hot. You are one of the rare people who can keep the fires of passion going forever–if you find a good match. Find another XSYG and you will never need (or want) anyone else again.
Of the 28587 people who have taken this quiz, 9.1% are this type.
Now if I could just get that Tom Jones song out of my head.
4 replies on “(Sex) bomb threat”
Well, I found myself second-guessing a number of the questions with “it depends,” and “well, I did x in relationship y, but I did a in relationship b“.
I ended up cuspy on two axes (the first and the last), but fairly clearly SI. The first time I took the test, I came out RSIG, the “People-Pleaser”. Though some of it sounded right (“You cry at movies. A lot.” “Your sex life could be fantastic if you could stop worrying about everything so much…”), overall it didn’t feel completely on-target, so I took the test again. This time I ended up as an XSIG–the “Teddy Bear”–some of which, again, felt spot on (“you can go without speaking to a friend for years and pick up right where you left off” and I especially liked the final line for the XSIG, “If you are male, you have a huge shlong. Just saying.” ;-D).
But I also see myself pretty clearly in the third of the possibilities based on my cusps–RSIT, the “Archetypal Older Child.” This one, in fact, may be the most apt, even if not the most flattering:
“You are a RSIT–Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Archetypal Older Child.
“You are a hard nut to crack. You have a wicked sense of humor. Despite your reserved nature, you are more comfortable (and successful) in the meeting and courting mode than you are in a long term relationship. You feel misunderstood, and usually you are.
“When you’re in a good mood, you’re funny, fascinating and a sexy firecracker, but when you’re in a bad mood you are moody, broody and impatient. In courtship mode, you don’t have to let anyone see your moody side. If you had your way, even in a long term relationship you would have enough time apart to deal with your bad moods yourself; unfortunately, it rarely works that way. …
“I’m making you sound like a bear, but the fact is that you’re so warm and charming most of the time that it effectively offsets the times you’re unhappy.
“You will make a weirdly good parent. …”
The fourth possiblity, though–XSIT, the “Hell Cat”–just didn’t fit at all, except for the tendency “to overanalyze things.”
I turned out as the following:
You are a XPYT—Expressive Practical Physical Taker. This makes you a Player.
You are clever, sexy and sexually oriented. You know what you want and how to get it. You command attention in a room of strangers, as your charisma, your personality and your spending habits are all oriented toward making an impression on your target sex. You pay attention to details.
You reel people in easily, but have a harder time keeping them around since you are just as demanding in a long term relationship as you are on a night out. Combine your demanding nature with the fact that you’re hard to keep up with and easily bored, and you get a recipe for problems with fidelity.
In a conflict, you’re brutal — you know how to unleash one cutting remark that turns a normal fight into a brawl or a breakup. Your general attitude is you just don’t have time for fighting — if you feel like your current partner doesn’t understand you, you know you can find another one.
You may see yourself in a parent and dislike his/her choices, so you want to avoid them for yourself. You feel confined by social pressures, both to pair up and stay paired. It will (and should) take you years to settle (and for you, it may really feel like you’re settling).
Please use a condom.
Oy… this is mostly correct… but don’t show this to Mr. Sexy… he might get the wrong idea!!! 🙁
Why on earth would you want that song out of your head???
This is how i came out. There is alot in there that sounds alot like me but a few things that i don’t agree with but such is life.
eXpressive: 7/10
Practical: 5/10
Physical: 6/10
Giver: 10/10
You are a XPYG–Expressive Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a Roving Spouse.
You are magnetic, charming, and impossible to resist. You have no problem with approaching the opposite sex — it just comes naturally to you, and the thrill of warming up a stranger is one of your great drives. Still, very few people really know you. You don’t just *feel* misunderstood — you are. You are probably nursing a heartache that you never let on.
You’re calm in a conflict (almost *too* calm — a more emotional partner may wonder why you’re not more engaged) and quick with affection. Fighting makes you uncomfortable, but as you avoid direct conflict your frustrations can manifest in the cold shoulder and passive-aggression, which is no better! Still, you make a loving, doting parent — giving more love than discipline — and your children prefer you.
Like an XSYG, you put so much thought and effort in what you give to your partner that you feel dismissed and unappreciated if you don’t get the same in return. You also give and think so much that you can also talk yourself into cheating — physically or emotionally — and this can lead a cycle of conflict, guilt, conflict-avoidance, chilly atmosphere and then more cheating. But you’ll stay with your partner in the long run from guilt and a desire to please.
You’ve got to open up! You express and give so much of yourself in other ways — don’t be afraid to express what’s bothering you.
I’m only being so hard on you because you remind me of me.
Of the 35413 people who have taken this quiz, 10.3 % are this type.