Ah, Friday. Thank god. Not that I’m doing anything exciting tonight, but it’s nice to finally just sit back and take it easy. It snowed a little bit today, for just a few minutes really. It’s quite surreal, the few moments when snow starts to fall. There isn’t any accumulation on the ground yet, of course, so from my seventh-floor office window, the scene outside resembled a just-shaken snowglobe. (Hm. Isn’t it ironic to say that the real outdoor scene resembles the very thing that is supposed to represent it?) Anyway, it was pretty. That reminds me, there’s one scene in Far from Heaven that takes place just as it starts to snow. Nice and unusual production touch, I thought.
To woo women. I watched The Bachelorette the other night. Yikes. You’d think I’d enjoy this more than, say, Joe Millionaire, but I’m not so sure. Each of the potential suitors — or as TWoP calls them, “oily bohunks” — came across as either sleazy and/or cocky. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and it’s the latter that’s a bit off-putting. But I suppose I can understand. There they all are, jockeying for position, flaunting their feathers. Honestly I don’t envy the woman. We’ll see. If the preview scenes are any indication, it gets more interesting once the shirts, er, I mean, gloves come off.
Rajani and I were talking on the phone while watching the pilot. She wondered what a gay version of the show would be like. I’m thinking, dude, you wouldn’t even have to wait for the one main guy to choose you, ’cause everyone could just hook up with each other. Everyone’s a winner! Am I right? Now there’s an idea.
About a DVD. DVDfile.com has a sneak-peek review of the About a Boy DVD, to be released next week. The extra features look really good. I can’t wait.
4 replies on “Finally”
Dude, I read an interview with Trista in EW and she says she found someone she really loves on that show! CREEPEE!
I wanna see About a Boy! I wish I had time to rent movies! gah. Oh, and I see you saw L.I.E., did you like it?
Funny how all the “selectors” on the show find someone they “love” and never end up marrying them. I suppose that’s the nonexistent point of the shows, but it rumples my feathers a tad.
About a Boy… cool flick. A little sappy, but in that British way the downplays the melodrama we Yanks seem to feed off of — like in McDonalds and stuff. Definitely worth it; also, Frailty is worth it. Damn straight.
I’m in love with Trista’s tummy. I’m a tummy man.
Frailty is dumb. And predictable. Ahh Wean, I figured you for a breast man. Pity.