
Picture perfect: ‘Far from Heaven’

Last weekend I saw Far from Heaven. Julianne Moore and Dennis Quaid are well-cast. The thing is, not only does it take place in the 1950s, the stylistic touches seem to be of the period as well: very melodramatic, from the opening titles to the music to the camera angles (lots of “dun dun DUN” […]

Last weekend I saw Far from Heaven. Julianne Moore and Dennis Quaid are well-cast. The thing is, not only does it take place in the 1950s, the stylistic touches seem to be of the period as well: very melodramatic, from the opening titles to the music to the camera angles (lots of “dun dun DUN” moments). It’s an homage to an earlier era of filmmaking–and all the more refreshing because it deals with homosexuality in ways that films of that time did not, of course–and as long as you keep that in mind, it’s entertaining without being parodic. Well, okay, there are a few giggle-worthy moments (at least with the audience when I saw it), especially in Moore’s portrayal, restrained but barely over-the-top, of the perfect ‘50s housewife.

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