Have I lost the will to shop? Perhaps, at least for clothing. I feel something approaching guilt (especially in this season when we are reminded to share with the less fortunate) in saying that I have too many clothes. It’s true. My closet runneth over. One of these days I need to head over to the clothing drive and donate a pile of stuff.
My shopping strategy for the past couple of years has been to create a wardrobe consisting of a few basic items, but in multiple colors. (I think some part of me wants to recreate a kind of satellite Banana Republic in my apartment, down to the furniture and matching wooden hangers.) So have I finally reached, dare I say exceeded, that wardrobe nirvana? That tipping point of zen-like sartorial contentment? Maybe. I own more than a manageable number of jackets, sweaters, shirts, and pants all in a palette of personally suitable colors. I found myself at the mall yesterday, thinking, do I really need anything else?
Oh wait. Yes, a pair of dark brown oxfords. There’s always something. But in any case, I definitely need to prune my wardrobe, if only to clean up my apartment. If only to make room for more clothes.
These days my shopping habits have shifted toward all things domestic, which explains my recently intensified obsession with Ikea, Pottery Barn, and their ilk. Anything to organize my place, and make it more liveable. To wit, I’m still excited over the gleaming new Calphalon saucepan and skillet I bought a few weeks ago. I admit, it may seem a little boring (unböring?), but it’s wonderful when a small bit of happiness is found in nothing more than a plush rug or a sturdy bookshelf.
8 replies on “Zen and the art of shopping”
OMG, Jeff, I’d take some of your surplus wardrobe off your hands if I thought any of it would fit me! I desperately need to go clothes shopping… I just can’t seem to go by myself–I need someone to go with me to keep me from buying ugly stuff… someone who will take me out and play dress-up–like I was a big Ken doll or something, lol!
Love the new look on your web site–where’d the falling snowflakes go, though… they were awesome!
Oh, and I adore the new haircut, too, man!
whoo! how lovely! i love the new look!! hehe i totally need to get rid of some clothes but i know i won’t… oh well… but guess what?! i got clogs! took me like forever but i did and i think i love them… 🙂 and superyay for pottery barn!! hehe i spent new year’s there… yum. happy happy new year!! 😀
Happy New Year! Here’s your NY’s present, since you’ll be tired in the morning. Do yourself a favour and run your site through this. I think Boss Hogg will approve.
Suzz, I do indeed approve.
Tom–I’ll go shopping with you! *makes plane reservation* We can get matching outfits for you and George!
Susan–you shizould be ‘shamed ‘n shiznit. Gizzle a rizzle dizzle.
Ahh… I cleaned my wardrobe out again! But strangely enough… I feel I need MORE clothes. I’ve become addicted to this BBC America show What Not To Wear… it’s hilarious. People nominate their friends, and these two fashionistas come to that person’s house and tell them how awful they’re wardrobe is and then give them £3,000 to buy a new one, following certain guidelines. It sounds like a stupid show, but it’s actually quite funny. I think I need to be told what NOT to wear anyway.
But from what I’ve seen Jeff, you have wonderful fashion sense. 🙂 Whee.
What? Shopping and Chicago and I have not been informed?!
That’s a damn shame for shizzle my nizzles…
What’s that? Your nizzles need shizzling!?!? Don’t they know I specialize in heart conditions? Oooh… but I do believe it’s winking at me.