I baked cookies. No, not from scratch, are you kidding me? I’m not averse to baking from scratch–I recall fondly some labor-intensive pumpkin apple muffins I made a long while ago–but these days I don’t usually have the patience (or counter space, really) to carry out such an operation. Anyway, these are pretty good. Pillsbury chocolate chip. Mmm. Speaking of things domestic, I found a neat little blog all about crafts and assorted things to make, called Not Martha.
Yay, A Charlie Brown Christmas is on tonight!
3 replies on “The great indoors”
Hello Jeff,
I laughed at the sight of “Not Martha,” but right away, I got sad. Before the scandal, I was one of her fans, and now I quietly avoid watching her. You know, how you avoid looking face-to-face a former buddy at a party. No hatred, but something like disappointment.
Re: Holidays in Daly City… we are looking forward to having you around, by the piano may be one of the warm spots at home.
Talk to you soon. Take care… jpt.
Hi Mom! LMAO, I know you and Martha Stewart aren’t on speaking terms these days. Heh. But yeah, that Not Martha website doesn’t really have anything to do with Martha per se, but it’s a good little site for arts and crafts stuff. I really like the marble magnets.
Looking forward to the holidays too… just two weeks away! “I’ll be home for Christmas… you can count on me…”
Hi Mrs. T–!!!!!
So you and Martha Stewart aren’t on speaking terms? Well, that’s her loss! Besides I still remember that traditional dessert you made (the one that’s kind of like our traditional dessert). Certainly better than anything than the unfortunate Ms. Stewart can make!
Hurrah for mom’s cooking! 🙂
P.S. I hope you and Jeff’s dad are well!