A&F comes to W&G. Did anyone catch Will & Grace tonight… with Eric McCormack in a muscle tee? Rowr. Also on tonight was My Best Friend’s Wedding. The only reason to watch this: Rupert Everett. It’s a cute movie, but it periodically slides into a sleepy tedium, from which we and Julia Roberts are repeatedly saved by Rupert’s appearance on the scene. Maybe I’ve seen it too many times. But back to clothes, I’ve decided I must have this coat. I was originally dreaming of something in suede and shearling, but this will do nicely and is friendlier to my wallet.
They don’t make them like this anymore. Last night, Adam, his woman, and I went to the Uptown to see Lawrence of Arabia. Great place to see a movie like this. You definitely get a sense of what it must have been like to see this movie when it was released back in the 1960s. Be forewarned, though: including the overture, intermission, and entr’acte, the whole epic experience runs about four hours. (With the great score by Maurice Jarre, I think the only thing to make it more over-the-top would be a live orchestra. That would be sweet.) I don’t begrudge the length, but still, the movie ends a bit weak. Dare I say there should have been a sequel? Yikes, it would be like the Ring cycle or something, where you’d watch the entire thing over a couple of nights. In any case, not having seen it before, I had expected the movie to be lighter in tone (which it is, at the beginning), but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it gets darker as it trudges on. Great acting and a wonderful production overall (yes, lots of sand).
4 replies on “Like sands through the hourglass”
Jeffy, you are so friggin’ cute. Eric McCormack… Guys in ties turn me on.
And yes, NYU is homocentral; I thought I was going to find a guy in college. Silly Marie.
Debbie Does Dallas was hi-larious, I would recommend it to anyone.
Jimmy Fallon apparently isn’t as cute in person. Some friends of mine went to his record signing and brought back the sad news.
As for vocal performance, I guess I’m just fulfilling Rufus’ wish for some girls out there to grow up to be opera singers. I hope I can…
Ooh, good luck with the vocal studies! And be sure to save me a box seat at your Met début.
P.S. For those of you not down with the program, Marie’s responding to my assorted comments on her journal.
i’ll be at the Met when Marie makes her debut as well! I’ll be the loud embarrassing one! 😉
Then there’ll be two loud ones!!! I’ll be the one tapping people and telling them “See that girl down there? The star? I KNOW her!!!”